What We Do

  1. Coaching,
  2. Training,
  3. Hosting of seminars,
  4. Consulting,
  5. Research,
  6. Entrepreneurship development,
  7. Welfare and Humanitarian
    1. Rehabilitative care or counselling or education of prisoners, former prisoners and convicted offenders, persons awaiting trial, members of the South African Defence Force and South African Police Force.
    2. The provision of poverty relief.
    3. Community development for poor and needy persons and anti-poverty initiatives, including:
      1. the promotion of community-based projects relating to self-help, empowerment, capacity building, skills development or anti-poverty;
        the provision of training, support or assistance to community-based projects contemplated in item.
      2. the provision of training, support, or assistance to emerging micro enterprises to improve capacity to start and manage businesses, which may include the grants.
  8. Land and Housing
    1. Building and equipping of:
    2. Clinics or crèches; or
    3. Community centres, sport facilities or other facilities of a similar nature, for the benefit of the poor and needy.
  9. Education and Development
    1. Training for unemployed persons with the purpose of enabling them to obtain employment; and
    2. Educational enrichment, academic support, supplementary tuition, or outreach programmes for the poor and needy.
  10. Cultural
    1. The provision of youth leadership or development programmes.
  11. Conservation, Environment and Animal Welfare
    1. The care of animals, including the rehabilitation or prevention of the ill-treatment of animals.
  12. Research and Consumer Rights
  13. Research including agricultural, economic, educational, political, social.