Charity Through Crypto

Charity Through Crypto

The Cryptocurrency Global Charity Platform utilizes blockchain to establish a philanthropic financial ecosystem that supports charitable initiatives across the African continent.

First National Bank

First National Bank

Dr. Bahadur, in conjunction with FNB Business, facilitated the creation, building step by step their pilot business accelerator project. Currently titled FNB business incubator, which provided various solutions in helping businesses to grow to the next level. As such, the program offered the opportunity to participate in the program. Bahadur accelerated more than 300 individuals during the implementation phase.

The FNB Business Accelerator consisted of two main components:

Intervention weekend: This was an intensive weekend workshop where individuals would learn key skills such as understanding the art of innovation, interpreting your financial statements, how to scale your business globally and understanding what metrics to focus on when approaching funders. Individuals also had the chance to network with and learn from business owners who have grown businesses from micro to large-sized businesses.

Business coaching and support: Following the completion of the intervention weekend, an individual received 3 months of individual attention and guidance which aimed at refining an individual’s business strategy. Success coaching helped individuals redefine their business objectives and targets around Human Resources, Operations, Finance and Sales aspects of their organizations. The success coaching came in the form of bi-weekly consultations either in person or via electronic communications.


First National Bank (FNB) is the oldest and one of the largest banks in South Africa. Its history can be traced back to 1838. In 1998, FNB was delisted from the JSE and become a wholly-owned subsidiary of FirstRand Group. First National Bank represents FirstRand’s activities in the commercial and retail segments.

Electronic-Digital Business Card

Electronic-Digital Business Card

Dr. Bahadur, during his time with The Institute, created the algorithm for the electronic business card platform, which commenced in 2015 with NetGen as a service provider. The products have been tested and introduced into the market with 200 ecstatic customers.

The product is swift, smart, amazing, fantastic, speechless, innovative are just some of the words associated with the electronic business card. This smart card will assist in the retention of customers, make it easier for customers to keep in contact, increase possible sales, give customers easier access to you and lots more.

The eeBusCard is the next step in the digital revolution. The electronic business card is a smart card, hosted in the cloud. It eliminates the hassle of information sharing and storing. An individual can effortlessly, without the usage of paper, share comprehensive information, which is otherwise restricted to traditional business cards.

Enterprise Incubation Programme

Enterprise Incubation Programme

The Institute 4 Success Business Incubator, lead by Dr. Bahadur, serving as an instrument, aimed at strengthening the business systems and strategic direction, through a combination of business development services, funding and access to the physical space necessary to conduct business for incubatees. The EIP supported an incubator for the first time offering long-term incubation.

The program targeted South African registered tax compliant entities, namely, small-medium micro enterprises (SMMEs) and co-operatives. Henceforth, assisting/supporting struggling incubatees who were at the early stage, in the township and rural areas with potential to create livelihoods, but needed extensive targeted guidance in business improvement. Support for women, youth and people with disabilities were prioritized in the incubator. The incubator focused on the service sector industry.

The Institute is supported by the Department of Small Business Development in line with the mandate of The National Development Plan – Vision 2030, with a resultant of job creation.

The Department of Small Business Development

The Department of Small Business Development

The purpose of this project is to create thousands of entrepreneurs via The Institute 4 Success lead by Dr. Bahadur, under the program named the Working on Entrepreneur (WoE) and Micro Franchising Models. The resultant, potentially creating 20 000 businesses and 100 000 direct and indirect jobs created.

Currently, there are approximately 43 models that have been piloted very successfully for the past 15 years. With a further 10 multi-brands, white-labeled. The model offers start-up equipment, on and off-site training, recipe, support systems, and structures, that are enjoyed by mature franchise models.

Endorsed by Minister Lindiwe Zulu [at the time] via a letter of support with a project size of R1,4 billion.



Dr. Bahadur at the lead of Black Strawberry online is a company with a vision of providing South Africa-African products globally, such as Alibaba. Black Strawberry serves as an instrument that unveils African products to the global market, pioneering and disrupting market accessibility to otherwise untapped regions for South Africa-Africa.

The business solves and fills the gap answering the question: where do struggling entrepreneurs go to without market access? The vision is to assist one million individuals.